Criminal Defense
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Criminal Defense
We at Moreno and Associates have handled various criminal defense cases such as Driving Under the Influence (DUI), kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, drug possession, drug smuggling, drug transportation, drug distribution, drug manufacturing, Domestic Violence (DV), assault, battery, rape, child abuse, child molestation, sexual assault, and sexual battery to name a few. Therefore, if you are looking for a firm with experience that can help handle your criminal case, you should pick up the phone and call Moreno and Associates. We can discuss how to handle your case!
In most cases, criminal cases will also put your permanent residence in jeopardy. Since Moreno and Associates also handles Immigration Law, our experience in both areas give us the ability to analyze your criminal matter, enabling us to obtain a result in your criminal case which won’t result in a deportation/removal case later. Thus, we are uniquely qualified in being able to look beyond your criminal case to your immigration case, minimizing the effect your criminal case will have on you being deported after your criminal matter is resolved.
If you are looking for a law firm with experience to handle your criminal case and fight for you, make an appointment with us. We would love to discuss how to fight your criminal case!